Sunday, January 2, 2011

doctor! not me....

alamak..doktor tolong sye nie..
aduh sakitnye,....
nie ha maslahnye saye lupe nk ambk ubat..
aduh.....camne nie???
erm nampaknye sok je lol:(

MODE : oke laen kali jgn excited nk g beli baju n balek oke!
thnx bye

Sunday, December 26, 2010

reniuon semera ke 28 tahun

genap usia mencecah 45 tahun kami berjumpa semula yang paling tak tahan anak murid lebih namapak tua dari cikgu-cikgu sendiribetullah kata orangtua kalau iaitu ilmu dengan iikhlas pahala banyak diduaniadah ditunjukkan. tapi tak sangka dua orang cikgu telah mendapat gelaran datin cikgu sastera dan utazah guru agam dan paling aku xlupa cikgu bahasa yang suka tampar lelaki dan pelajar wanita pula dilastik tali bra mereka.tapi sampai padaku dia terkejut kerana aku dah form 5 masih tidak menjadi anak dara em..yang tu lah tak de lagi. apapun aku enjoy jumpa kawan kelas lama dari tingkatan sampai tingkatan 5 nama sekolah SEMERA NAMANYA sekolah raja ali batu lima jalan ipoh kuala lumpur

Sunday, December 19, 2010

earn more money

earm more money how cooke nasi lemak kukus and nasi briyani gum let email mea

Friday, December 17, 2010

hari deco sabunlah

hai hari ni buat sabun utk hantaran n jugak perfume untuk letak dirumah cute tau bebentuk buah-buahan saya buat bersama anak daraku untuk tengok boleh contect kami jadi nk tempah bolehlah contet 0123585166 my handpone  but photo letter n vidieo

Thursday, December 16, 2010

bersabar mudah-mudahan maju..

erm..okelah today saya just selling 7kilo nasi lemak je..but y?ye lah rezeki hari-hari xsama right???
so saya cbe improve my nasi lemak and hope also got many nasi lemak to selling....
so anda pon kne la doakan utk saya k? moge2 jualan esok laris...amin:)
btw thnx taw if korang de doakan tuk saya..:) hope allah s.w.t murahkan rezeki kite bersama bersama2 ye..insyallah..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

jum..its time for nasi lemak kukus!!

al-kisah....why i choose to selling nasi lemak kukus???
oke let me start from the begining until now......
oke biar im introduce my back zalina or easly to know me u can call me as "KAK INA"..
i love coking and also love to see people happy when they eating my lovely nasi lemak kukus...
im also got one proud inside my selling this nasi lemak just near behind NSK Rawang.
This nasi lemak from the earliest age my third child .. and now she is already 20 years old ... nasi lemak is about 20 years was carried out. This recipe for "nasi lemak kukus" is also a recipe passed down our family members, including the recipe for pickling lime and lemon nips with 2 flavors of flavored pickles sweet and sour spices .want to know what is special about me though lime pickles? wait for my next update because now its the time for the "nasi lemak kukus only :)!"
what is special about my steaming nasi lemak? 
I offer them nasi lemak is the type berlauk easy to say nasi lemak "ala-ala nasi berlauk la :) "
it is also inclu lauk such as " ayam goreng berempah,rendang kerang, telur mata separuh masak, daging berlada, include also bihun goreng meh:)
we also can received orders for more information can contact us online at 03-60915746 or email